Configuring =========== You'll need to configure Todoman before the first usage, using its simple ini-like configuration file. Configuration File ------------------ The configuration file should be placed in ``$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/todoman/todoman.conf``. ``$XDG_CONFIG_DIR`` defaults to ``~/.config`` is most situations, so this will generally be ``~/.config/todoman/todoman.conf``. Main section ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``path``: A glob pattern matching the directories where your todos are located. * ``date_format``: The date format used both for displaying dates, and parsing input dates. If this option is not specified the ISO-8601 (``%Y-%m-%d``) format is used. * ``color``: By default todoman will disable colored output if stdout is not a TTY (value ``auto``). Set to ``never`` to disable colored output entirely, or ``always`` to enable it regardless. This can be overridden with the ``--color`` option. * ``default_list``: The default list for adding a todo. If you do not specify this option, you must use the ``--list`` / ``-l`` option every time you add a todo. Sample configuration -------------------- The below example should serve as a reference. It will read ics files from any directory inside ``~/.local/share/calendars/``, and use the ISO-8601 date format (note that this is the default format, so this particular declaration is redundant). .. literalinclude:: ../todoman.conf.sample :language: ini Color and displayname --------------------- - You can set a color for each task list by creating a ``color`` file containing a colorcode in the format ``#RRGGBB``. - A file named ``displayname`` decides how the task list should be named. The default is the directory name. See also `this discussion about metadata for collections in vdirsyncer `_.