
Todoman is a simple, standards-based, cli todo (aka: task) manager. Todos are stored into icalendar files, which means you can sync them via CalDAV using, for example, vdirsyncer.

Todoman is now part of the pimutils project, and is hosted at GitHub. The original location at is still kept as a mirror.


  • Listing, editing and creating todos.
  • Todos are read from individual ics files from the configured directory. This matches the vdir specification.
  • There’s support for the most common TODO features for now (summary, description, location, due date and priority) for now.
  • Todoman should run on any major operating system.
  • Unsupported fields may not be shown but are never deleted or altered.


See Contributing for details on contributing.


Priority granularity hasn’t been completely implemented yet. Icalendar supports priorities 1-9 or none. Todoman supports only none or 1 (highest).

Due dates are generally shown and editable as dates with no time component.

Support for the percent-completed attribute is incomplete. Todoman can only mark todos as completed (100%), and will nor reflect nor allow editing for values for percent > 0 ^ percent < 100.

Indices and tables