Installing ========== If todoman is packaged for your OS/distribution, using your system's standard package manager is probably the easiest way to install khal: - ArchLinux (AUR_) .. _AUR: Install via PIP --------------- Since *todoman* is written in python, you can use python's package managers, *pip* by executing:: pip install todoman or the latest development version by executing:: pip install git+git:// This should also take care of installing all required dependencies. Manual installation ------------------- If pip is not available either (this is most unlikely), you'll need to download the source tarball and install via, though this is not a recomended installation method:: python3 install Requirements ------------ Todoman requires python 3.3 or later. Installation of required libraries can be done via pip, or your OS's package manager. If you're interested in packaging todoman, all depenencies are listed in requirements.txt_. Todoman will not work with python 2. However, keep in mind that python 2 and python 3 can coexist (and most distributions actually ship both). .. _requirements.txt: