Configuring =========== You'll need to configure Todoman before the first usage, using its simple ini-like configuration file. Configuration File ------------------ The configuration file should be placed in ``$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/todoman/todoman.conf``. ``$XDG_CONFIG_DIR`` defaults to ``~/.config`` is most situations, so this will generally be ``~/.config/todoman/todoman.conf``. Main section ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``path``: A glob pattern matching the directories where your todos are located. * ``date_format``: The date format used both for displaying dates, and parsing input dates. If this option is not specified the ISO-8601 (``%Y-%m-%d``) format is used. * ``color``: By default todoman will disable colored output if stdout is not a TTY (value ``auto``). Set to ``never`` to disable colored output entirely, or ``always`` to enable it regardless. This can be overridden with the ``--color`` option. * ``default_list``: The default list for adding a todo. If you do not specify this option, you must use the ``--list`` / ``-l`` option every time you add a todo. * ``default_due``: The default difference (in hours) between new todo's due date and creation date. If not specified, the value is 24. If set to 0, the due date for new todos will not be set. Sample configuration -------------------- The below example should serve as a reference. It will read ics files from any directory inside ``~/.local/share/calendars/``, and use the ISO-8601 date format (note that this is the default format, so this particular declaration is redundant). .. literalinclude:: ../todoman.conf.sample :language: ini Color and displayname --------------------- - You can set a color for each task list by creating a ``color`` file containing a colorcode in the format ``#RRGGBB``. - A file named ``displayname`` decides how the task list should be named. The default is the directory name. See also `this discussion about metadata for collections in vdirsyncer `_.