Configuring =========== You'll need to configure Todoman before the first usage, using its simple ini-like configuration file. Configuration File ------------------ The configuration file should be placed in ``$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/todoman/``. ``$XDG_CONFIG_DIR`` defaults to ``~/.config`` is most situations, so this will generally be ``~/.config/todoman/``. .. include:: confspec.tmp Sample configuration -------------------- The below example should serve as a reference. It will read ics files from any directory inside ``~/.local/share/calendars/``, uses the ISO-8601 date format, and set the due date for new todos in 48hs. .. literalinclude:: ../../ :language: python Color and displayname --------------------- - You can set a color for each task list by creating a ``color`` file containing a color code in the hex format: ``#RRGGBB``. - A file named ``displayname`` indicates how the task list should be named and is needed when there are multiple directories sharing a name, e.g.: when using multiple $CloudInstances. The default is the directory name. See also `relevant documentation for the vdir format `_. Timezone -------- Todoman will use the system-wide configured timezone. If this doesn't work for you, you _may_ override the timezone by specifying the ``TZ`` environment variable. For instruction on changing your system's timezone, consult your distribution's documentation.